Tuesday, October 25, 2011

So much time so little to do: Strike that, reverse it.

Hello All,

I apologize for the massive delay for this most recent post.  Yesterday and this morning have been my first days off in two weeks.  Needless to say, I haven't had much time for blogging; though I have been making mental notes about what to write for two weeks now.

Rumors has been going well.  The actors in the production are incredibly talented and all very nice, so it has been fun and beneficial to watch them play around every day.  It is turning out to be "a good little skit," as one of the actors, Mark Chambers, likes to say.  We have our first preview performance tonight with a sold out house, so it will be nice to see how it plays with a full audience.  It is getting to the point that we are struggling to remember what the real jokes are because we've become to used to all of them.  There was a company run through on Sunday night after tech, so we got a little bit of an idea how the show will run with an audience.  Let it be known that I got three laughs with only two lines ;).  Though I spoke to a few people from the company, and they said by the time the cops come in at the end, the audience is relieved to have some new characters to laugh at.  So while my laughs come mostly from Neil Simon, I'll take them nonetheless.   The only downside to this rehearsal process has been the lopsidedness of the interns' work ethics.  While most of us show up ready to take on whatever task we are needed for, one intern, I'll call him intern X for the time being, still thinks it is acceptable to sit and play on his iphone or knit.  (With the prop knitting, I might add.)  The other night at tech rehearsal, the director needed Lenny's understudy, Intern X, to fill in for Lenny for a few lines while they worked something out.  Imagine his surprise when he was LOST. He had no idea where to stand, when to cross, who his lines should be delivered to.  It was infuriating.  When the stage manager got worried that he didn't know anything about the role he should be understudying, he denied and denied and justified and justified until the cows came home.  The next day, he walked in with his knitting.  I may have to kick some faces soon.  At least the powers that be got to see his laziness in action, so that was delightful for the rest of us.

Outside of that, I have been steering clear of spending too much time with the interns, as I can sense that I may say something that will be bad this early in the season.  So I've been spending time with my roommate Tyler and the company manager Daniel.  It is nice that they are content just watching a movie and sitting around instead of going out to the bars every blessed day.  Tyler has convinced me to dress up for Halloween, though I so didn't want to.  I agreed on the terms that it can't be stupid, gory, or slutty;  therefore, we are going as Cheri Oteri and Will Ferrell as the Spartan Cheerleaders.  Tyler wants to rehearse this week. Should be a thing.

Speaking of dressing up, there was a GIANT convention here last weekend called Zombiecon.  Apparently Fort Myers has an event every year in which people dress up like zombies and drink and listen to bands and do other crazy things.  They were trying to beat the Guiness world record of biggest gathering of zombies, so there were requirements of makeup that you had to wear in order to be considered a "registered zombie."  I agreed to go through with the minimum requirement at the last minute.  The convention was actually quite fun, though some people looked legitimately disturbing.  There was a local band there called Strange Arrangement that was incredibly good, so I stayed at their concert for two hours and then went home.  Others were out all night, but that sounded a little too intense for me.  But apparently they beat the record:  there were approximately 20,000 people there, with about 75% dressed as zombies.  So there's that.

Back on the theatre front, I have a callback audition tomorrow for Mary in It's a Wonderful Life.  I have to try to look the period as best I can, apparently.  That won't be too hard. (Ugh.)  I'm feeling all right about this one, because they want Mary to read a little older, and I just naturally read older than Hallie does.  Though Hallie has a more classic look.  Who knows.  We'll see what happens tomorrow.

Also, our casting director person told the interns that we are doing an intern show.  It will most likely be "Title of Show," if they can get the rights.  The other three interns were thrilled about it, being hardcore musical theatre people.  I was less excited.  It will be a good credit to have, I suppose, but I would have rather worked on a play.  I just have to get my voice back in shape, seeing as I do not really sing anymore.  Apparently Florida Rep is under the impression that I do.  So this should be interesting.  Rehearsals will start in March and there will be two performances in April.  Meh.

I JUST REALIZED WHAT TIME IT IS!  Ok, folks, I have to jump in the shower and head out to rehearsal before our preview tonight.  I promise to blog more often so they aren't so long and babbling.

I love you all and think about you all every day.  I miss you guys a lot.



  1. I wouldn't worry too much about Intern X. Seems like he's doing a great job making himself look like the ass he is.

    Of course you got laughs! And I'm jealous you're doing Halloween! No one here is friggin' free. Maybe I'll come there! I wish.

    The interns go bar-hopping? Weird.

  2. I can't wait to tell Aunt Jan who you and Tyler
    will be for Halloween. Please send pictures!

    For old times sake, here it goes...

    Jack-O-Lantern, Jack-O-Lantern you are such a pretty sight,
    as you sit there in the window looking out at the night.

    You were once a yellow pumpkin growing on a sturdy vine,
    now you are my Jack-O-Lantern, see your candle light shine.

  3. I found you one of the most perfect Christmas gifts to help combat the rudeness of Central Florida. I can't wait for you to open it. :)
